Gender On Ice

Gender On Ice
Pole Year Title Author
S 1982 Sur Ursula LeGuin (Short story from The New Yorker about women sledding to South Pole. Collected in LeGuin: Compass Rose, 1982, & in Wiegman & Glasberg: Literature and Gender, 1998)
S 1989 Heroes Ursula LeGuin, (in Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places, pp 171-175)
N/S 1993 Gender on Ice: American Ideologies of Polar Expeditions Lisa Bloom
N 1993 Women Against a Background of White: The Representation of Self and Nature in Women's Arctic Narratives Linda Bergmann (in American Studies, 34:2: 53-68)
S 1994 Constructing Whiteness: Popular Science and National Geographic in the Age of Multiculturalism Lisa Bloom (in Configurations, 2.1: 15-32)
N 1994 Inuit Women Artists ed. by Odette Leroux, Marion E. Jackson, and Minnie Aodla Freeman (reissued in 2006)
S 1999 Gender Degree Zero: Memoirs of Frozen Time in Antarctica Victoria Rosner (in Auto/Biography Studies, 14.1: 5-22)
S 1999 Alien Cryptographies: The View from Queer Wendy Pearson, includes queer reading of 'Who Goes There', (in Science Fiction Studies, #77 vol 26, reprinted in Queer Universes: Sexualities and Science Fiction, 2008)
N 2000 Nanook and His Contemporaries: Imagining Eskimos in America Culture, 1897-1922 Shari Huhndoff (in Critical Inquiry, 27.1: 122-148)
N 2002 Many Faces of Gender: Roles and Relationships Through Time in Indigenous Northern Communities Lisa Frink, Rita Shephard, Gregory Reinhardt
S 2002 Refusing History at the End of the Earth: Ursula Le Guin's 'Sur' and the 2000-01 Women's Antarctic Crossing Elena Glasberg (in Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 21.1: 99-121)
N 2002 Arcticality: Gender, Race, and Geography in the Writings of Vilhjalmur Stephansson Gisli Palsson (in Narrating the Arctic: A Cultural History of Nordic Scientific Practices, Bravo and Sorlin, eds, pp 275-309)
N/S 2002 Gender, Development, and Climate Change Ed by Rachel Masika (Oxfam Focus on Gender series)
N 2003 A Paradise of My Own Creation: Frankenstein and the Improbable Romance of Polar Exploration Jessica Richard (in Nineteeth-Century Contexts, 25.4, 295-314)
S 2004 Outer Space and Antarctica: Sexuality Factors in Extreme Environments Raymond J Noonan (in The Continuum International Encyclopedia of Sexuality, online here )
N 2004 Race and the Intimate in Arctic Exploration Gisli Palsson (in Ethnos, 69:3, 363-386)
N 2005 'Everyone Should Have a Voice, Everyone's Equal': Gender, Decision-Making and Environmental Policy in the Canadian Arctic Joanna Kafarowski (in Canadian Women's Studies, 24:4, 12-17)
S 2005 By Endurance We Conquer: Ernest Shackleton and Performances of White Male Hegemony Rebecca Farley (in Intl Journal of Cultural Studies, 8.2: 231-254)
N 2006 True North: Isaac Julien's Aesthetic Wager Lisa Bloom (in Isaac Julien: True North Fantome Afrique)
N 2006 Gender in Polar Air: Roald Amundsen and his Aeronautics Roald Berg (in Acta Borealia: A Nordic Journal of Circumpolar Studies, 23:2, 130-144)
N 2007 The Long Exile: A Tale of Inuit Betrayal and Survival in the High Arctic Melanie McGrath (story of the 1950s coerced relocation of Canadian Inuit to more northern locations for Canadian flag planting, became public in 1993 after organizing and testimony by Inuit women)
N 2007 Inuit Women: Their Powerful Spirit in a Century of Change Janet M Billson and Kyra Mancini (feminist ethnography, contents here )
N/S 2007 Women and Environments International Magazine Women and Global Climate Change, Issue 74/75, Spring/Summer
N/S 2008 The Scholar & Feminist Online Gender on Ice Issue 7.1, Fall 2008
N/S 2009 SIGNS Comparative Perspectives Symposium: Gender and Polar Studies. vol 34, no 3, pp 489-532
S 2012 Antarctica as Cultural Critique: The Gendered Politics of Scientific Exploration and Climate Change Elena Glasberg